The Little Guide to Dolly Parton (Microcosm Publishing)
A collection of Dolly-isms, covering all aspects of the musician's legendary life, from rags-to-rhinestones: artistry and music, song writing, philanthropy, business and Dollywood, her personal life, passions and heartbreak—all in her own words. The ultimate pick-me-up to save you from the nine-to-five heartbreak blues. The most iconic and acclaimed female country singer in the history of music is so inventive and brilliant with her clever wisecracks and sage advice that popular culture has crowned her with an -ism after her name. No one else is as worthy. For more than five decades, Dolly has been laying down her own brand of whip-smart wit and wisdom to the world, with many quotes and quips becoming as famous as her lyrical genius, for which she has won too many song-writing awards and honors. Stacked to the rafters with more than 150 bite-size bon-mots, one-liners, ripostes, and profound and sincere observations.
Brand new from Microcosm Publishing. Jack's Guitarcheology is an official distributor of Microcosm Publishing